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Dental Fillings in Howell, MI

Hometown Dental has many filling options to provide strength, aesthetics, and longevity for your teeth. They will look and feel great! We can restore your teeth specifically to look like your natural teeth. In most cases, you will not be able to tell there’s a filling. Your front and back teeth can all be restored with tooth-colored fillings. Looking and feeling good about your mouth is easy at Hometown Dental specializing in Tooth Fillings in Howell MI.

If you need a filling, be sure to talk to your Hometown Dental doctor about what the best type of filling would be for you. Prior to your treatment, your Hometown Dental team will go over your options and help you choose the option that suits your individual needs. Hometown Dental will be glad to clarify any questions you may have.

The Hometown Dental offers Dental Fillings in Howell, MI  the first type of filling is direct. Your dentist only needs one appointment to prepare your tooth, place the filling, and adjust it as needed. Direct fillings are placed immediately into a prepared cavity and include glass and resin ionomers and composite (resin) fillings. The second type of filling is indirect. Your dentist will need two or more visits for this type of filling because it includes fillings such as inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, and bridges. Your dentist prepares your tooth during the first appointment, making an impression of the area to be restored. Then, they will place a temporary covering over the prepared tooth. During your last appointment, your dentist will secure the restoration into the tooth’s prepared cavity and adjust the filling as needed.

Call 517-546-3330 today to schedule a consultation and see if fillings are right for you.

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